Call for Proposals: Course Materials and Services Fees


The Course Materials and Services Fee (CMSF) Committee is now accepting proposals for FY2025-26.

Submitting Proposals

The CMSF Proposal Form (DOCX) for new CMSFs, or to increase existing CMSFs, beginning in FY2025-26 is now available.

Proposals are due to by Friday, February 21, 2025.

Proposal Guidance

We have received several questions about the proposal form in past cycles. Please carefully review this guidance, as well as the relevant policies and procedures, before submitting your proposals.

Review Current Course Materials and Services Fee Policies

Section 2: Course and Program Information

Course is Part of Department's Core Curriculum

Is the course required for students opting to major in one of your department's programs?

Approximate Total Cost for a Major to Complete Required Department Courses

For a student majoring in a program offered by this department, what can they expect to pay, on average, in department CMSFs?

Maximum CMSF Cost to Major in this Department

What is the highest-cost path to a major in this department (for example, if a student takes all CMSF-charging electives, etc.)?

Section 3: Proposed Action

Multi-year Fee Increases

To reduce the administrative burden on units that propose annual, small increases in fees, we are allowing departments to request up to three years' of increases in one proposal. Please note that UCOP policy generally disallows surplus balances on CMSF funds, so any multi-year increase must not exceed the cost of materials and supplies.

Decrease or Eliminate a Fee

Since FY2019-20, the CMSF Committee has addressed the reduction or elimination of fees administratively. To request a fee decrease or elimination, email with the following information:

  • Course name and number
  • Description of the costs the CMSF is currently subsidizing
  • Reason you no longer require the CMSF at its current level

Section 7: Student Consultation (for new CMSFs Only)

Campus policy mandates that departments ensure student consultation in the proposal review process. You must describe this consultation process and summarize students' feedback on any new CMSF proposals. You must also submit documentation of your outreach and feedback alongside your proposal.

Approval Process

CMSF proposals will be reviewed by the CMSF Committee. Committee recommendations on newly proposed fees and changes to existing fees are subject to the Chancellor's approval. Final decisions on fee proposals are expected to be announced in late Spring 2025.

Reporting Requirements

All departments that charge CMSFs are subject to an annual review. In general, CMSF funds should have a zero balance at the end of each fiscal year. Surplus or deficit balances must be explained and a plan outlined to return the fund to a zero balance. The accumulation of surpluses may result in a mandatory reduction in the fee.


Please direct any questions regarding the submission process, policies, or proposal requirements to