All academic and non-academic units are eligible to propose a new Miscellaneous Student Fee (MSF) for the fiscal year following the proposal year (i.e., a proposal submitted in FY2019-20 is for a MSF beginning in FY2020-21).
Proposal process
Proposals for new MSFs are reviewed and approved once per year.
The call for MSF proposals goes out to the Divisional Finance Leaders (DFLs) in early Spring. Departments interested in proposing a new MSF should work with their DFLs to complete the Miscellaneous Student Fee proposal form and return it to studentfees@berkeley.edu. Submissions must also be reviewed and approved by the department's DFL and Dean or Vice Chancellor.
After submission, proposals are reviewed by the Financial Planning & Analysis team and the Chancellor's Advisory Committee on Student Services and Fees (CACSSF), which is comprised of students, faculty, and staff. During either review, proposers may be asked to provide additional information or to revise and resubmit the proposal. Once a final recommendation has been made by CACSSF, the proposals are presented to the Chancellor for approval.
Proposal timeline
- Spring: The call for MSF proposals goes out, with proposals due to FP&A by the end of February. Proposals are reviewed by the FP&A team and CACSSF and approved by the Chancellor by the end of the semester
- Summer: Approved MSFs are published on the Vice Chancellor of Finance and CFO's website
Allowable costs
MSFs may be used to cover the cost of providing non-instructional services or materials to students, including replacement or repair costs of equipment, such as:
- Rental fees for use of university facilities and equipment
- Materials costs
- Administrative service charges
- Printer usage fees
- Late fees
Disallowed costs
MSFs cannot be used to cover instructional or other costs directly related to the provision of state-supported courses. To propose such a fee, refer to Course Materials and Services Fees instead.
Contact studentfees@berkeley.edu with questions.