Please contact sends e-mail) with questions.
UCOP has released the call for Self-Supporting Graduate Professional Degree Program (SSGPDP) fee proposals for the 2025-26 academic year. All new and existing Approved SSGPDPs are required to submit an annual fee proposal for review and approval by the President. Submissions are due to sends e-mail) by Friday, December 13, 2024 for initial review.
New this year, programs are required to complete tables 4A_2025-26_Program Description and Summary(link is external) and 4B_2025-26_Current and Proposed Student Charges(link is external) directly. Programs should enter their data in the shared files available at the links above. Please do not download the files from the links above, and ensure that edits are made within the shared files.
Call for proposals and instructions sent to DFLs with existing SSGPDPs, published in DFL Weekly, and on CFO website.
Proposals due to FP&A for initial review.
Proposals reviewed and returned to programs for revision.
Proposals shared with EVCP and Graduate Division for feedback.
Signed proposal package due to UCOP.
UCOP finalizes decisions on SSGPDP proposals.
All materials, including the instructions, required templates, and guidance are available in the Call for Proposals bDrive folder(link is external).
SSGPDPs are required to solicit substantive feedback from students and faculty at least once every two years. UCOP requires programs to document feedback from each student and faculty consulted using a specified template that includes:
Examples of the student and faculty consultation templates are available on Page 6 and Page 8 of the SSGPDP Annual Program Template(link is external), respectively.
The following programs are required to consult with their students and faculty:
Please contact sends e-mail) with questions.