Review current Miscellaneous Student Fee policies

Eligibility and exemptions

All academic and non-academic units are eligible to propose Miscellaneous Student Fees (MSFs).

The following units are exempt from the proposal process for MSFs:

  • Auxiliary and auxiliary-like units, such as Housing & Dining Services, Athletics, International House, Parking & Transportation, Recreational Sports, and University Health Services
  • Recharge centers, such as Facilities Services, Mail Services, IS&T, and Educational Technology Services, and Moving and Event Services
  • Units whose primary audience(s) or user group(s) are members of the broader Berkeley or other external community, such as University Extension and Cal Performances

Allowable costs

MSFs may be used to cover the cost of providing non-instructional services or materials to students, including replacement or repair costs of equipment, such as:

  • Rental fees for use of university facilities and equipment
  • Materials costs
  • Administrative service charges
  • Printer usage fees
  • Late fees

Disallowed costs

MSFs cannot be used to cover instructional or other costs directly related to the provision of state-supported courses. To propose such a fee, refer to Course Materials and Services Fees instead.

MSF review and approval

The UC Office of the President has delegated MSF approval to the Chancellors. At UC Berkeley, MSFs are reviewed by the Chancellor's Advisory Committee on Student Services and Fees (CACSSF). MSFs may not be assessed to students without review by CACSSF and approval by the Chancellor.

UCOP policies

  • Delegation of Authority 2559: Authority to Set Miscellaneous Student Fees and Deposits, Course Materials and Services Fees, Service Charges, and Summer Session and University Extension Fees

Campus policies and guidelines


Contact with questions.