Upcoming Deadlines
- Friday, 2/7 - Submit Reserve Analysis templates
- Friday, 2/21 - Submit completed and approved Org Tree change requests
- Friday, 2/21 - Submit Course Materials and Services Fee (CMSF) proposals
- Monday, 3/24 - Submit Form A templates
Budget Process
Budget process update
We are working with the Chancellor and EVCP to finalize the FY26 budget assumptions. We expect to communicate the budget assumptions in mid-February.
CalPlanning availability
We anticipate making planning tools CalPlan and HCP unavailable for edits starting Monday, February 10, while we make updates to the system for the budget process. While the planning tools are down, we’ll actualize the Forecast and update central transfers for FY25 and FY26. We will also load updated UCPath HCM data for planners to review and selectively copy to HCP. The CalRptg and HCPRptg reporting applications will continue to be available to run reports and Smart View queries.
Form A templates will be in the shared Divisional Folders on Monday, February 10, and are due Monday, March 24
Form A helps plan campus support for faculty appointments. The form documents anticipated changes in permanently budgeted state-funded faculty for a division’s Forecast and Operating Budget. Form A templates will be in your Divisional Folders under the FY2025-26 Budget Process folder by the end of business day on Monday, February 10, 2025. Please download, review, and upload your completed Form A to the same folder by March 24, 2025. Once you have uploaded your division’s completed Form A, please email the Financial Planning & Analysis team at dfl_concierge@berkeley.edu to let them know you completed it.
Action Items
Reserve Analysis Updates due Friday, February 7
The FY25 Reserve Analysis templates are available in the divisional folders. To assist divisions with this annual exercise, please review the FY2025-26 Reserve Analysis guidelines located on the Reserve Analysis website. Completed templates are due to the budget office on February 7, 2025. The BFO team is offering office hours on Wednesday, January 22 and January 29 to answer any questions you might have regarding this exercise. Sign up for the R/A office hours by completing the linked Google Form. The Zoom link is included in the sign-up form.
Submit completed and approved org tree change requests by Friday, February 21
If you would like to submit changes to the Org Tree, please submit your completed, Budget and Financial Operations (BFO) Committee approved request by Friday, February 21, 2025. We recommend that you submit your change request form for review as soon as possible to allow time for the BFO team to review your request, follow up with you for any necessary clarification, approve your request, and allow you time to obtain all required signatures before the submission deadline.
The time needed to review change requests will vary, depending on the complexity of the request. For more information:
- A high-level summary of the process to approve org tree changes is available on the DFL concierge webpage.
- An overview of the org tree change submission deadlines is available in the Org Tree Submission and Processing Timeline. Important: Please review the update on the estimated processing time for journal source configuration of new L4 org node codes. As a reminder, journal source configuration for new L4's is required if there is a need to prepare and approve journals.
- Please review the Org Tree Calendar for the timeline of allowable org tree changes throughout the year.
- Please review the new Org Tree Lookup Tool This new tool replaces the monthly manually produced Master Org Tree and will provide the most current org tree data as of one business day before. Training materials and Job Aids are located on the CFO website.
- There are updates coming soon to the Department Prefixes, and How to Create Visio files job aids located in the Tools and job aids section of the Organizational Tree web page.
- Please submit questions and requests for changes to the Org Tree to dfl_concierge@berkeley.edu. Note: If you plan to request an Org Node change or Entity Hierarchy redesign, please contact dfl_concierge@berkeley.edu and explain what you would like to change before completing the request form because these changes are typically more complex and involve longer consultations.
Submit Course Materials and Services Fee Proposals by Friday, February 21
The call for proposals for Course Materials and Services Fees (CMSF) for FY2025-26 has been released. The proposal form to establish a new CMSF or to increase an existing CMSF, relevant campus policies, and guidance on completing the form are available on the Course Materials and Services Fees page. Completed proposals must be submitted to studentfees@berkeley.edu by Friday, February 21. Final recommendations and approvals will be made in the spring. Please share this call widely with department leaders in your units. Contact studentfees@berkeley.edu with any questions.
Informational Updates
FY26 Budgeted recharge rates are available
The Recharge web page has been updated to include the FY26 recharge rates approved for budgeting purposes only. We will be reviewing the submitted rates in detail in the coming weeks and will approve the rates for use in FY26 by June 7. Thank you to all the recharge units for their effort in submitting their recharge rate for FY26. Please email recharge_certification@berkeley.edu with questions.
New Faculty Start-Up & Retention Funding Allocation Guidelines
Over the past year, Financial Planning & Analysis has worked with the Office of the Faculty and a group of Chief Administrative Officers to develop new practices for when central/EVCP funding commitments for faculty start-up and retention packages will be transferred to the divisions. In addition, the deans have provided input on the new practices and the EVCP has approved them. The new practices will go into effect for new faculty joining UC Berkeley on July 1, 2025 and beyond. The DFL web page provides guidance about the new practices. Please feel free to reach out to us with questions.
ECAS Risk Advisory Notice for Travel Expenses
Please be aware that the UCOP Ethics, Compliance, and Audit Services office has a heightened focus on compliance with university travel regulations due to alleged abuses at another UC campus that recently came to light. An ECAS Risk Advisory Notice has been issued to all campuses about travel expenses, highlighting key issues and recommended steps to address them. A reminder when submitting reimbursement requests:
- Include a detailed business purpose for travel reimbursements, explaining how the University benefited and justifying any policy exceptions.
- Be mindful of multiple attendees traveling to the same conference.
- Do not request reimbursement for personal items purchased while traveling for university business.
Thank you for your ongoing commitment to our community values and for advancing the strong culture of compliance with travel and entertainment policies. You may email us at travel@berkeley.edu should you have any questions or concerns.
Review of Transactions Recorded to Account 23090
There has been a significant amount of incorrect transactions recorded to account 23090 - Other Accrued Liabilities. To create better controls, a new workflow routing is being implemented effective March 17, 2025, where journals going to account 23090 and lines totaling $50K and higher will be sent to Financial Accounting and Controls (FAC) for additional review. Journals that have incorrect accounting (debit to account 23090) or are not auto-reversing will be denied. Journals under $50K that are not routed through the workflow process will be reviewed as part of the monthly reconciliation process, and journals with incorrect accounting will be reversed by FAC right away. If you need to create a journal to reverse or partially reduce a previous accrual to account 23090, please make sure to state so in the journal header and include the prior journalID.
These changes affect all accruals for contract and grant funds. Contracts and Grants Accounting (CGA) will improve communication regarding accruals on closed awards. If actual expenses are less than accrued amounts, contact CGA to adjust the Final Financial Report and manage refunds. Departments are responsible for costs if expenses aren't posted within 120 days after the award expiration. For more details on processing accruals for C&G funds, visit the Controller's Office website.
Cal Answers training
The Cal Answers website hosts self-service learning resources including a complete course in basic navigation as well as short videos, job aids, wiki documentation, and a list of Frequently Asked Questions. We also offer a two-hour instructor-led class that builds on the basic navigation skills covered in the self-study. There are separate courses focusing on financial dashboards and student data dashboards. In the class, a subject matter expert guides a deep dive into the reports and data available in the dashboards and answers specific questions.
CalPlanning training
The curriculum uses a blended learning model. Courses begin with self-study using online books divided into chapters supplemented with practice exercises and short videos. Courses culminate with a group session using Zoom in which participants work on case studies in small teams to apply the material covered in the self-study. The self-study materials are available on the website for everyone to use; they can be a helpful resource for those who have already completed the training and are looking for a refresher. Review the CalPlanning training page for schedules, links to enroll, and to access the self-study materials.
Changes to the DFL in your division?
If the DFL role in your division is changing, email fpa@berkeley.edu to ensure our website, communications, and training plans are updated.
DFL Weekly Updates Page
As a reminder, these updates are regularly posted to the DFL Weekly Updates page so you can reference past updates at any time. Additionally, the Operational Deadlines page provides an overview of deliverables by quarter.
Thank you,
Office of the Vice Chancellor of Finance