Organizational tree

How to begin

Before starting your organizational tree change request, it is important to review the following sections in the number order in which they are presented. Each section of the process is created to provide guidance and understanding of the preparation and materials required to submit a request.

Submitting your completed change request

As a reminder, the submission date is the last day that approved change requests can be submitted for entry to the Master Org Tree. We recommend that you submit your change request form for review as soon as possible before the deadline to allow time for the Financial Planning & Analysis team to review your request, follow-up with you for any necessary clarification, approve your request, and allow you time to obtain all required signatures before the submission date. The time needed to review change requests will vary, depending on the complexity of the request.

If you plan to request an Org Node change or Entity Hierarchy redesign, contact sends e-mail) and explain what you would like to change before completing the request form because these changes are typically more complex and involve lengthier consultations.

The Organization (Org) Tree Overview

The organizational tree is a hierarchical representation of the financial structure of the university. The university is grouped into organizations of similar activities (schools, colleges, campus support) across campus, within organizations by divisions, and within divisions by departments. Each department uses one or more DeptIDs. The DeptID allows a unit to identify and manage its own transactions and resource balances. DeptID values can also be grouped by discipline and unit to allow financial activity and budgets to be viewed at all levels in the campus organization. Individual components of the structure (Org Nodes and DeptIDs) are represented via a five digit code.

Each division’s organizational tree should reflect the financial management and reporting needs of the organization. The Office of the Vice Chancellor Finance reviews and approves all proposed changes to the organizational tree.

If you have determined that a change to your organizational tree is needed, follow the steps below to determine what type of change is needed and if it is appropriate. When you are ready to submit your request, or if you have questions that are not covered below, send an email to sends e-mail) with "Organizational tree request" in the subject line of your email. All inquiries must be reviewed and submitted by your Divisional Finance Leader.