The space functional usage survey is a critical component of the Facilities and Administrative (F&A) rate proposal development. The survey results guide how most of the university’s facility costs (depreciation, interest, and operations and maintenance expenses) will be allocated to functions such as instruction and organized research. Because space has a substantial impact on the F&A rate, it is essential to accurately determine and assign the usage of each room surveyed to the correct function(s).
We have identified a number of departments across campus divisions that will participate in the space survey. Those divisions have identified department coordinators to help us complete it. We plan to train the department coordinators in March on WebSpace, the web-based tool we will use to conduct the survey. Department coordinators are expected to attend one of the available zoom training sessions before they can be granted access to the survey tool.
The space survey will run from March to June 15.
Sign up for office hours
The Financial Planning & Analysis Team will offer office hours to support the space usage survey every Wednesday from 11 am - 12 pm, beginning on Wednesday, March 29. Please complete the linked sign-up form to register to attend office hours.
Ask Us a Question - Facilities & Administrative (F&A) Space Survey (Google Form)