Frequently Asked Questions - FY2019-20 Budget Process

We normally receive a breakdown of what we receive in 71220 (TAS). Will that be forthcoming?

We have not sent out any other breakdowns in the past for account 71220 outside of what is included in your Intersection Detail Reports (IDRs), which can be found in your division folder on the CFO Shared Division Folders (Google doc). For detail on the EVCP TAS allocation amount, your Dean will soon be receiving a letter outlining the updated TAS amount.

​How are campus commitments calculated in the multi-year budgeting template?

​You can find the detail for these in the Intersection Detail reports (IDR) posted to your divisional folder in the CFO Shared Division Folders (Google doc), under the FY2019-20 Budget Process Folder, in the sub-folder Intersection Detail Reports. Besides an IDR for FY19 Forecast (for items outstanding for quarters 3 and 4) and FY20 Operating Budget, there are also IDRs for FY21 and FY22.

​For FY20 Operating Budget, should I include expenses relating to new planned requests for Reserve Investments?

If this is a brand new investment, the requests should not be entered in CalPlan or the Multi-Year Template (MYT). If the request is for an increase in an already existing initiative, the ongoing initiative should be included in divisional plans - but not the additional amount which would require approval. However, if this initiative/investment will be undertaken regardless of whether the request to use reserves is approved, the costs should be included in CalPlan and the MYT.

I'm working on my multi-year template and when I refreshed the template, the data I input disappeared after the refresh. How do I fix this?

You fix this by adding "=" in front of your number and writing it out in decimal format. So if you're entering $300,000 then you would input "=300". Or if you're adding 3%, then type in "=.03". For more detail, review the multi-year template job aid. There are Smart View training resources on the CalPlanning website and there are ...

For Contracts & Grants, should we be entering revenue quarterly to net to zero or should we be approximating the invoicing so that we have seasonality?

I have a question on how to best enter the revenue expected for our grants. The guidance is for the revenue to net to zero on the C&G, should we be entering revenue quarterly to net to zero or should we be approximating the invoicing so that we have seasonality?

You should still align the revenue seasonality with the expense seasonality since most of the Contracts & Grants are cost reimburseable. If you have some grants that are not cost reimburseable and you have some idea of how they will be invoiced, you can adjust for that if it is material, otherwise have the revenue follow the expenses.

I wanted to confirm my interpretation of our budget "target."

My interpretation is that this is not the target for our surplus/deficit, but rather the amount that our budget needs to be lowered by. Is that right?

The budget target represents the amount the Net Operating Surplus/(Deficit) line needs to be improved by to meet your FY20 Operating Budget Net Surplus/(Deficit) Goal. Each divisional finance leader was emailed their specific division’s FY20 Operating Budget Target and Goal. We have included additional language in Appendix 1 of the FY20 Operating Budget Guidelines.

How do I capture capital projects and investments in revenue generating programs below the net operating line?

This is in reference to tracking the “below the line expenses/Reserve investments” that were approved as part of the FY19 Budget Process. Please refer to the FY19 Budget approval letter sent to your Dean last year to understand if below the line expenses were approved for your unit. If they were, they should be tracked using the management code 3I00MC in the actuals ledger as well as in CalPlan, regardless of the account code used. This step will enable us to measure your progress against divisional targets (those expenses will be excluded when calculating performance to Net Operating...