Divisional Finance Leaders and Chief Administrative Officers,
As you know, UC Berkeley is pursuing Public Assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for COVID-19 related eligible costs. FEMA provides reimbursement for specific emergency protective measures taken by entities such as ours to protect the health and safety of people and personal property during this COVID-19 pandemic. On April 10, 2020, we submitted the request for public assistance. Now, we are beginning the data collection process.
The goal of this collection process is to identify all COVID-19 related expenses across campus that may be eligible for FEMA reimbursement. To accomplish that, each division will complete a template that will help us in the collection of compensation costs, non-compensation costs, revenue sources, and fundraising details. For this initial request, the collection of expenses will be separate from the Department of Finance (DOF) reporting process, but as the project details are refined we hope to streamline the work for both projects to the extent possible. The initial reporting period we would like you to include in the template is from January 20, 2020, to April 30, 2020.
Please complete the FEMA COVID Reporting template and return it to dfl_concierge@berkeley.edu by Wednesday, June 24. Instructions on completing the template are located on the first tab called “Instructions”. Guidelines, the template, a job aid on completing the template, and clarifications are available on the CFO website.
Please gather and consolidate the information requested in the template and return it to the Financial Planning and Analysis (FP&A) team. Keep in mind that the costs we submit to FEMA will be subject to audit and if there are costs that do not meet the requirements any reimbursement received will need to be returned. The FP&A team will compile the results, review submissions to confirm identified costs are eligible for reimbursement, and prepare them for submission to FEMA. The FP&A team may reach out to you to follow-up on specific items and requests for supporting documentation.
If you have any questions about completing the template or the data collection process, please reach out to the VC Finance Immediate Office at vcfinance@berkeley.edu.
Thank you,
Chris Stanich
Associate Vice Chancellor, Financial Planning & Analysis
Office of the Vice Chancellor of Finance