CalPlanning Forecast actualized with everything but compensation data

December 19, 2017

CalPlanning Community,

You asked and we heard you! We’re excited to announce that the CalPlan Forecast Working is actualized. When you log in, the Forecast Working will contain Actual data for closed months for everything but compensation. Compensation is coming in February 2018. Information about the project, including monthly updates, is available on the Actualized Forecast & Simplified HCP project page on the VC Finance website.

What is new

  • Forecast Working is actualized for all of FY18 closed months (July–November) with everything but compensation data.

  • The Forecast Working YearTotal values now reflect the sum of Actuals for closed months plus Forecast Working for current and future months.

  • There is a new “Prior Month” version which provides visibility to the prior month’s Forecast values as of the last working day of the month.

  • In the new Actualized Forecast form in CalPlan you will see:

    • Actuals for the closed periods.

    • Prior month version forecast values only for the last closed month (using the reporting tools, you can pull the entire year Forecast version “Prior Month.”)

    • Forecast Working values for the open periods.

  • At monthly close, the prior month’s Forecast values will be overwritten with Actuals.

  • Non-compensation data has moved to the five high level fund buckets (unrestricted, designated, restricted gift, restricted endowments and FFE’s, contracts and grants).

  • The current 19 fund buckets are still available to edit in CalPlan and HCP until we simplify HCP in February and move all data into the five high level fund buckets.

Coming up next

In early February, CalPlanning will be closed for edits while we simplify HCP, perform the HCM refresh, actualize compensation, and consolidate funds into the five fund buckets. Please visit the Actualized Forecast & Simplified HCP webpage for more information.

Training resources

CalPlan and HCP classroom training for newly-hired CalPlanning users will be available starting in January 2018. For our existing users, demonstrations of the Actualized Forecast are scheduled in January 2018 and demonstrations of the simplified HCP in February 2018. Training materials, registration for demos, and registration for training for newly-hired CalPlanning users are available on the project website.


If you have technical questions about CalPlanning, please contact the Help Desk at If you have questions about the Actualized Forecast & Simplified HCP project, please contact the project team at

Thank you,

Office of the Vice Chancellor of Finance