CalPlanning Community,
The CalPlanning planner tools, CalPlan and HCP, are now available with the FY20 Forecast Q3 Submission version.
The CalPlanning tools (CalPlan, HCP, CalRptg, SmartView) are available with the 2020 April and May Actuals. The FY2019-20 Forecast Working version has also been updated with April and May Actuals. As a reminder, CalRptg is updated with Actuals on a daily basis.
As the budget process has been delayed, it is important that we keep FY20 as current as possible, with the actualized forecast. Updated FY20 Central Transfers and Commitments have been loaded to the June period of CalPlan FY2019-20 Forecast Working version from a combination of Actuals data (for faculty funding) and planned data from the Campus Commitment Database.
- Accounts 71304, 71312, 71314, and 71420
- Chart1 member C1_SUMPLN updated with June Actuals journal data for faculty funding.
- Chart1 member C1_3ZACOM updated with the most recent commitments data available by the Financial Planning & Analysis team. (Inclusion in the Office of the Chief Financial Officer commitment database does not guarantee future funding. All amounts are subject to change.) Data in these accounts for closed periods reflects actual transacted commitments.
- Accounts 71220, 71230, 71290, 71295, 71410 with Chart1 member C1_SUMPLN have been updated with the most recent commitments data available by the Financial Planning & Analysis team. (Inclusion in the Office of the Chief Financial Officer commitment database does not guarantee future funding. All amounts are subject to change.) Data in these accounts for closed periods reflects actual transacted commitments.
We will update FY21 Central Transfers and Commitments in the FY2020-21 Operating Budget at a later date.
Please continue to check the CalPlanning website for details and current information about the system. If you have questions, please contact the Help Desk at
Thank you,
The CalPlanning Team
Office of the Vice Chancellor of Finance