This page is a resource for the finance community at UC Berkeley as they prepare their FY2025-26 budget submissions. We will post budget-related information and updates to this page.
Please contact your Divisional Finance Leader with questions.
If you are having difficulty accessing the information on this page, please contact for assistance.
FY2025-26 Budget Process Timeline
The dates included in the budget process timeline are as follows.
The timeline will be updated as needed, and if the dates change, they will be updated here. Please contact your Divisional Financial Leader with questions.
February 5
- TAS allocation decisions released to Deans
- Budget recharge rates posted
February 7
Reserve Analysis due
February 10
- Form A released
- CalPlan and HCP closed while FPA finalizes budget planning data
Week of March 3
- Guidelines and assumptions posted
- Call letter sent
- Budget Narrative Templates posted
- Intersection Detail Reports available
March 7
CalPlan and HCP are available while FY26 Operating Budget is updated with planning data and FY25Forecast Working version is updated with January actual data
March 18
CalPlan and HCP are available with FY25 Forecast Working version updated with February actual data
March 24
Form A due
April 3
FY2025-26 Budget Office Hours
April 11
FY2025-26 Budget Office Hours
April 15
FY2025-26 Budget Office Hours
April 17
FY2025-26 Budget Office Hours
May 2
- Budget due in CalPlan - Forecast Q3 Submission and Operating Budget Planner Submission
- Narrative templates due
- CalPlan and HCP are unavailable while the FY26 Operating Budget is finalized
May 19 - June 11
Budget meetings
June 5 - June 23
Budget decisions
End of June
Budget letters distributed
CalPlan and HCP are available with FY26 Operating Budget Final and FY26 Forecast Working version