Deficit Waiver Request Form

The non-contract and grant (C&G) FY2023-24 Deficit Waiver Request form is now available. Completed forms are due by Friday, May 31, 2024. Requests should be reviewed or submitted by DFLs.

As a reminder, all divisions are expected to meet their operating needs within their available funding; waivers should only be requested for exceptional circumstances. Deficits less than $25,000 are not eligible for a waiver request.

To assist in this process, use the fund deficit report in Cal Answers:

Dashboards > Finance > Fund Deficits Reporting > Deficits to be Cleared

Note that you do not need to submit a new request for a previously approved multi-year deficit waiver unless you require a higher waiver amount.

To view waivers that were approved as part of a prior multi-year request, use the waiver report in Cal Answers:

Dashboards > Finance > Fund Deficits Reporting > Waivers and Tolerances

More information about non-C&G deficit resolution policy and processes, including waiver eligibility thresholds, how to clear deficits, and what happens if a deficit is not cleared, is available on the Fiscal closing related webpage.


If you have other questions regarding the non-C&G deficit clearing process, please contact the Financial Planning and Analysis team at with “Deficit Resolution” in the subject line of your email.