Citrix for CalPlanning and BAIRS

Dear BAIRS and CalPlanning Users:

As many of you know, at the University of California at Berkeley, staff and faculty require access to a number of enterprise applications. Many of these enterprise applications require different versions of internet browsers (i.e., Safari, Microsoft Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, etc.), browser plugins and java updates. These versions are based upon vendor support requirements. Currently, several factors add to the complexity of this core problem:

Each enterprise application has a unique upgrade schedule that is based upon its version release schedule;
it is becoming increasingly difficult for Information Services & Technology (IST), Campus Shared Services (CSS), and/or departments to manage and support end user devices due to older and different versions of browsers, plug-ins and java updates; and
each application's technical and functional owners must perform quality assurance testing for reliability, usability, security, and performance when a new browser version is released.

To address these and other concerns, IST has launched Citrix, a convenient new way to log into BAIRS and CalPlanning (including Smart View for CalPlanning), using any computer and any version of any browser, from almost anywhere. Citrix is now available for BAIRS and CalPlanning login access. We hope to add other widely-used applications, such as Cal Answers and CalTime, in the near future.

About Citrix

Citrix is a service used to launch software applications with appropriate browsers and plugins automatically applied behind the scenes. This way you won't have to worry about updating your software or browser to maintain access.

Will Citrix replace Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)?

Eventually, Citrix will become the primary remote access mechanism (RDC/RDP). For now, existing RDC/RDP and direct access remain available.

What are the benefits of Citrix?

A simplified campus computing environment and user experience:

  • Can be used across Mac and PC platforms
  • Eliminates the need to know browser requirements for each application
  • Eliminates the need for a range of browsers and plugins installed on desktops
  • Reduced browser security risk for campus
  • A future "one-stop-shop" for various widely-used enterprise administrative applications

How do I install Citrix?

The Citrix Receiver may already be installed on your computer. Go to Install Citrix to find out if Citrix is already installed, and for instructions on how to install it if you don't already have it.

How do I access Citrix?

  1. After verifying that the Citrix Receiver is installed, or installing the Citrix Receiver:
  2. Go to
  3. Log-in with your CalNet ID and passphrase.
  4. The first time you access Citrix, you may be asked to allow the plug-in or add-on to run. Click Allow or Always Run.
  5. Click once on the application to start it.

Citrix Support

When BAIRS or CalPlanning is accessed via Citrix, the applications are launched via a "virtual desktop," which makes saving and printing slightly different. The experience will be familiar to users of RDP/RDC. For more information on how to save and print using Citrix, please review the following job aids:

As with any new software, it takes time to transition. If you have any problems using Citrix, please contact Campus Shared Services IT by phone at (510) 664-9000 (select 1, 4, 2), or by email at

Thank you for being one of the first to try out this new, exciting service. We hope it makes your BAIRS and CalPlanning access login experience more nimble.

Additional thanks to the pilot participants who tested Citrix with BAIRS and CalPlanning. Their feedback helped us improve this new service and prepare for the launch.

Lyle Nevels
Assistant Vice Chancellor - IT, Deputy CIO | UC Berkeley |

Norm Cheng
Project Manager