Finance Committee


Financial Planning and Analysis is responsible for staffing the UC Berkeley Finance Committee, which includes the Chancellor, Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost, Vice Chancellor of Finance/CFO, and Vice Chancellor of Administration. The committee exercises authority over the university’s core operating budget and ensures that financial decisions are integrated with the long-term strategic plans and mission of the university. The committee meets on a monthly basis to consider and make decisions about emerging financial policy issues and the allocation of resources to programs and initiatives that must be addressed on a timely basis.


For any questions, please email


  • Rich Lyons - Chancellor
  • Benjamin Hermalin - Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost
  • Daniel Feitelberg - Interim Vice Chancellor of Finance and Chief Financial Officer
  • Marc Fisher - Vice Chancellor of Administration

Funding Request Guidelines

Requests should be of unanticipated, urgent, and compelling in nature (e.g., to address a legal or compliance matter, to fund a strategic opportunity contributing to the overall campus welfare).

All requests that can properly be made through the budget process should follow this path. Except in extenuating circumstances, Finance Committee requests will not be considered immediately prior to or during the budget process, typically February 1 to August 1.

The requested amount must be material to the division soliciting the funds. A request for less than $500K is likely to be considered only when the request constitutes at least 5% of a division’s budget.

A division’s ability to fund a request through reserves will be examined before central funds are allocated.

All requests must be signed by a Cabinet member or dean.