
FY2017-18 enhancements include fund simplification, HCP form updates, a new FTE report, and a new BAIRS report.

CalPlanning Fund Simplification - Now Available

In order to simplify the planning and comparison of plan values to actuals, a subset of the original Plan Only Fund Member types and all 248 of the individual funds previously available in CalPlanning have been eliminated. Now there are 19 Plan Only Fund Members - 5 fund types and 14 detailed fund types. When creating plans for Operating Budgets and Forecasts, planners will have the flexibility to do their planning in the 19 Plan Only Fund Members. Learn more about the changes by reviewing the Plan Only Fund Members by Fund Type job aid on the CalPlanning website. Review the BFS to CalPlan Fund Map Table job aid to identify which of the 30K+ individual funds roll up into the 19 Plan Only Fund Members. All plan data created prior to the FY18 Operating Budget has been consolidated into the new simplified plan only fund structure.

CalPlanning FTE Reporting - Now Available

To support analysis of the Full Time Equivalent (FTE) levels of our campus workforce, we load monthly actual payroll percent time worked from the Payroll Personnel System (PPS) on a monthly basis into CalPlanning's compensation reporting module, Human Capital Planning Reporting (HCPRptg). 

There is a new report now available to support your FTE analysis: Job Code Trend by Actual Payroll $ and FTE (HCP003). You'll likely recognize this report as the one featured on your divisional budget dashboard. We invite you to review this job aid to learn more about using the report. Also, if you haven't yet checked out the two pre-existing reports - Employee Salary by Fund (HCP001) and Comp and Non-Comp Expense Variance (HCP002) - we encourage you to do so. Questions, please contact the Help Desk at calplanhelp@berkeley.edu.

HCP Forms - Now Available

Now that the FY17 Forecast and FY18 Operating Budget Open are open with refreshed HCP data, new HCP Forms are available for adjusting individual employee planned compensation FTE and distributions. These forms allow for mass updates to multiple employees’ values without having to right click and navigate into each individual employee’s details. These forms are available in CalPlan for all finance professionals with the Planner access role. The forms can be found on the HCP Planner Task List within the CalPlan applications. Review the HCP Employee Mass Update job aid to learn more.

BAIRS Report View - Now Available

To facilitate strategic planning for the use of restricted funds, the Office of the CFO, in partnership with University Development and Alumni Relations and Information Systems and Technology , has launched  a new Gift and Endowment Funds Only report view. To access the new report view, run the “GL_Sum_by_Chartfields_ModC&G” report in the 008 folder and choose the “Gift and Endowment Funds Only” view.

The new report view provides better visibility into the management and reporting of gift and endowment funds and combines key fund attributes with financial information in one location. This report will be useful for finance, accounting, and fundraising staff. Please review the BAIRS Gift and Endowment Funds Only Report View job aid or visit the BFS website for more information.

If you have questions, please contact the BFS/BAIRS Help Desk at bfsbairs@berkeley.edu or 664-9000.